Thursday, April 29, 2010

It is never just a dandelion...

So, I have been feeling a bit down these past few days. Maybe it’s coming back to our home, which is located in the city, with lots of concrete and car noises, after spending a week in a little house we rented in the country. I guess I miss seeing the wind play with the budding leaves, making ripples on the little pond, and hearing the birds chirping. There were no other sounds than these: the wind and the birds. It was sort of like being in a constant state of meditation – this feeling of spaciousness, of being connected to the "earth" and now, of just BEING.

Or maybe it is coming back to a home that is being slowly transformed into a house – a house for sale. We decided it was time to move for a variety of reasons, and had the house repainted and began the home staging process, where basically everything that is remotely personal has to be removed from sight. No family pictures. No memorabilia of trips we took. No kid’s painting and crafts hanging on the fridge. It is a bit like the soul of the house has been taken away.

So for the past few days, I have felt a bit lost, wondering where I belong in this house and this world, asking myself a whole bunch of questions about a lot of different subjects (that is soooo me…). This morning, we were greeted with the bluest of sky and the most sparkling sun, and Sweetie, my little 2.5 year old girl, asked if we could go to the park.

But even walking to the park with that amazing sun did not lift my spirit. I felt lost and frazzled. While playing with Sweetie, a little girl of maybe 4 years old approached me and, looking straight at me with her blue eyes, she said “I know you.” (Je te connais, toi.). I looked at her and said, a bit mesmerized by the intensity of the look in her eyes, that yes, maybe we did know each other. She then left to play with her friends, only to come back a minute later with this one single dandelion in her hand that she had picked for me.

My eyes just welled with tears and I thanked her. Then, all of a sudden, all those little girls came to me, each holding one dandelion in their hands.

To say that I was moved is an understatement.

I call this Grace in action.

Thank you. Thank you for reminding me that Love surrounds and enfolds me no matter what. Thank you for reminding me to stay present. Thank you for showing me that beauty can be found everywhere, if we just look with the eyes of a child. And thank you for “knowing” me, in the middle of a park, on a windy sunny day and for your gift of Love.

Picture taken from

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